San Francisco’s Hayes Valley is becoming a thriving AI Scene, earning the nickname Cerebral Valley as A.I. firms spring up there. “San Francisco’s Hayes Valley sits just north of the Mission District and a bit east of Haight-Ashbury. It’s far removed from Mountain View and Cupertino, the heart of Silicon Valley, but it’s quickly becoming one of the hottest areas in the country for tech startups,” reports Fortune.

Artificial intelligence workers are now forming co-living and coworking communities, where like-minded founders and developers can eat, sleep and breathe their work. The hacker house craze has grown quickly in recent months, so much so that some in the industry are now calling the neighborhood around them “Cerebral Valley.” For the record, the good people at The Standard think the techies missed a big opportunity in renaming it “HAIyes Valley”.

People are moving back to San Francisco in droves, whether it be tech workers returning to the office or part of the AI wave flocking to “Cerebral Valley”, mere steps from NEMA San Francisco. In fact, San Francisco saw the second-biggest worker population gain of any area in the U.S., according to LinkedIn mobility data from January.

“San Francisco is very much a hub of innovation on a lot of levels, and so it's cool to be in the center and feed off of that energy,” said Rachel Weissman, a tech founder who recently moved back to the city after three years away.

Not only are people moving back to San Francisco, employers are too. Lucky for NEMA, our location allows easy access to all the action whether tech, AI or design. San Francisco Business Times shares the latest on the rising momentum: "The volume of tenants in the market is up 10% year-over-year and is 32% higher than the end of 2022. But it's the larger tenants looking for space that's turning heads, with the volume of square footage being toured in downtown San Francisco up 49% since the end of 2022."

The tech industry is precisely why founder Saumil Patel is transporting his company from Canada all the way to San Francisco. “I'm looking forward to having better weather, being outdoors more often and just being among my people,” Patel said.

San Francisco is experiencing an AI boom with downtown San Francisco all around NEMA becoming AI Central. Anthropic is expanding its San Francisco AI office space again and is believed to be the company which has agreed to lease the entire former Slack headquarters building in San Francisco, while Hive AI, Hayden AI and Tome AI have all recently signed San Francisco office leases. In fact, Brokerage JLL is tracking more than 10 AI companies seeking up to 1 million square feet of office space in the city.

SFChron reported that Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce said, “It’s just awesome to see this growth and especially proud that they’re right here in our hometown of San Francisco, which is becoming the No. 1 AI city in the world. Very excited for our city.”

Discover San Francisco Luxury Apartments @ NEMA
NEMA’s four apartment building towers and three landscaped terraces offer an amazing array of views overlooking San Francisco’s urban landscape and natural setting. Landmarks in the surrounding skyline include the iconic skyscrapers of the San Francisco Financial District, the dome of City Hall, Golden Gate Bridge, Russian Hill, Bernal Heights, Twin Peaks, and San Francisco Bay. Get social with us and follow our story on Facebook and Instagram. Use #liveNEMA to share with our team.